Elusive Nerd Girl Commodity.

Ask a Cute Nerd girl is my personal collection of cute and nerdy lady friends. I have spent my time on earth as of now amassing a pretty fucking sweet collection, if I do say so myself. I have somehow managed to coerce them into transforming together into regional panel here to advise you upon anything from the everyday nuances of life to your deepest, darkest, dirtiest secrets. We don't claim to know it all. We do all have vaginas though.

Please write to us! We will answer. All emails are received and reviewed by Mary. To ask a question of the panel:

Email Mary

I will distribute anything that is not plain ol' porn** to my remaining beautiful and sensitive ladies. We will publish your questions along with our collective responses.
If you wish to remain anonymous to the internet public, I will respect your wishes.
Pretty much anything you send me, I own.
**I reserve the right to laugh at and publish any porn sent to me.


The word "nerd" or "geek" as a term of derision?

Dear Nerdy Girls,

Why is it for some adults the word "nerd" or "geek" is a term of derision? I used to think this was something people grew out of after high school, but I have noticed after moving to Minneapolis that there are still adults who view being a nerd as a bad thing.

Example 1: I've actually had a grown man say to me, "All my friends were wondering why I was hanging out with a nerd like you!"

Example 2: At 24-hour comic day, Danno said that we could get a discount at Grumpy's (a bar close by) if we told them we were a nerd. Someone responded, "We don't really have to tell them we're a nerd, do we?"

Why is being a nerd such a bad thing to some people?

Ryan Dow

We had a very similar experience to Example 1. Our a friend had a now ex boyfriend that wanted her to have new friends because we were too nerdy and ghetto. Basically, he wanted her to only have only hipster friends. We were not cool enough for them. It ended in a silly birthday Marnessa (Mary + Nessa = Marnessa. Our birthday festival is 5/17-18) where the ghetto nerd kids hung outside in the alley whilst pretentious conversations were held inside. The ultimate capper was that he was "in love" with one of our good friends that happens to have dreads and is pretty much a hipster. He had the audacity to ask why she would be friends with us.

Thanks to Ryan Dow http://www.ryandow.com/

We read his entire online comic http://www.ryandow.com/ic/

We proceeded with CNG crushes on Ryan after emailing with regarding Otaku Booty and Rummikub. NERDS.

The word "nerd" has had a negative meaning since it was introduced to refer to a group of people. It isn't until recently that people have been trying to turn it into a positive. It reminds many people of high school where they were being told there was something wrong with them."You are nerd and you need to fix that!"

Most people don't want to be reminded of things that were hurtful to them. That's why we need to turn it into a positive.

Do you know what is just as strange to me? Since I started this page, I have been getting emails stating that I am not a nerd. There has also been a fair amount of talk on some sites:


I would have never thought that my nerdiness would be something I would have to prove rather than hide as I did when I was younger. Not only is nerdiness frowned upon by some like you speak of - it is held up to shockingly high standards by others. One poster said I am not a nerd because I dye my hair. Really? I am going gray in my early 30's. I figured that meant a good time to try red hair.

It doesn't matter much since I tend to have a fairly constructive view towards criticism. Coming soon...pictures of myself with brown hair showing my ass!

I am a nerd. I can't change that. I know it is trendy now. The problem with that is that I am also thirty now. If I am not a nerd, I don't really know where else I would go. Grumpy's, I guess and try to get my discount. I am not afraid to tell them my nerd status. They will believe me.

Don't throw this old nerd girl out on her ear like that, Internet. She can't learn new tricks. It is amazing enough she starting writing on here instead of in spiral notebooks.

To some the nerdiness is a shame. To others it's a badge of honor. Be nice to your fellow nerds Be proud of it. Really it is us against them in the end! Vengence for nerds united! And with great power comes great responsibility...we all know the rest.


We are a Q & A column. If you have a question or comment for us; please don't just post on boards. Write to us as well. We will answer and publish whatever you have to say.

In closing, whatever it is that we are or you are doesn't really matter to those of us @ CNG. We cannot explain why Nessa loves sci-fi. We can't explain why Mary loves comic books. We don't understand why some young people love Ambercrombie and Fitch.

Frankly we are scared of those young people.

Maybe because we don't understand them. That could be human nature, we suppose.

We can't really explain how or why we are nerds any more than we can try to deny it. If you want to ask a question as to specific nerdiness, we will certainly answer. Mary will also try to build up the NerdFiles idea.

Did you miss the fact that Mary won the Powers letter contest? Like I need to build NerdFiles...I buy single issues of comics...bah, you people...rabble..rabble...

Here is is again in case you forgot:


If you (yes, you!) would like to author an upcoming Powers letter column… meaning that you (yes, you!) get to answer the letters to Powers yourself, in your voice, in your own way… if you’d like to take the letter column as your forum to express yourself to the right-minded, comic-buying public who still buy Powers in single issues, then this is your chance!!All you need to do is write a 25 word OR LESS (NOT MORE!!) essay on why you (YES YOU!) should be the author of the most influential letter column in my life!

The winner is…


25 word essay
I love all your stuff. That is all.

Oh and by the way, I am a girl, hot and I'll have sex with you and your wife. Shit, I'll move into your basement and be your au pair to boot.

And thanks for Powers and Spidey. I fucking love you. Cry myself to sleep. Think of Bendis fucking me.

Now that is how you win a contest!!! Thanks for playing. I will sic Mary on you in a couple of issues. And yes, I have seen pics, and yes, she is hot.


"Oh and by the way, I am a girl, hot and I'll have sex with you and your wife. Shit, I'll move into your basement and be your au pair to boot."-see above.

If you don't know who Bendis is visit jinxworld


staplegenius said...

A few years ago I had a "LETTER OF THE MONTH" in the RAKE where I layed down the difference between NERDS and GEEKS.
I would say TECHNICALLY we are all GEEKS.
...but you already bought the domain name, so...

MaryPants said...
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MaryPants said...

I remember that article. Ryan sent me this link:
Difference between Geeks and Nerds

I didn't want to fight the computer geeks for it. I still have the GEEK sticker on my car from Big Brain though.

Laurenation said...

I love how on that thread people would point out that you didn't conform to a "nerd" label, but then complained on how you looked like a art kid.

I just found that loaded with ridiculous.