Elusive Nerd Girl Commodity.

Ask a Cute Nerd girl is my personal collection of cute and nerdy lady friends. I have spent my time on earth as of now amassing a pretty fucking sweet collection, if I do say so myself. I have somehow managed to coerce them into transforming together into regional panel here to advise you upon anything from the everyday nuances of life to your deepest, darkest, dirtiest secrets. We don't claim to know it all. We do all have vaginas though.

Please write to us! We will answer. All emails are received and reviewed by Mary. To ask a question of the panel:

Email Mary

I will distribute anything that is not plain ol' porn** to my remaining beautiful and sensitive ladies. We will publish your questions along with our collective responses.
If you wish to remain anonymous to the internet public, I will respect your wishes.
Pretty much anything you send me, I own.
**I reserve the right to laugh at and publish any porn sent to me.


Eff Apt

Hi Internet,

Thanks again for all the great responses to my page. I have a few questions that we are researching. I also received a lot of fairly constructive criticisms about the site. I am working on it. I told you I am not a website maven! That is why I chose blogger. I appreciate all the help. If you can think of anything you would like to see me change, let me know. I can take it.

To tide through a daily post during research, some site construction and a Friday night where I am at home fucking blogging it, I present this:

Do you think this is funny? I took the pic, I didn't find it on the internet. My roommate Kyle and I both laugh at it. We have had others tell us it isn't funny at all.

Sorry for the short post with no Q.A. There is a picture though. We all like those better than words anyhow, right?

I am going to watch Battlestar Galactica. I have to get caught up before the new season.


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