The red and blue will always be my favorite. I don't mind 'updates' of super hero costumes but complete redos kind of bug me, like the X men movies. I don't expect to see Rogue in an 80s leather jacket with poofy hair, but keep something original. The black suit looks cool and all, but it's just not the same.
While Black Symbiote looks really cool (who doesn't look cool in black?), I have to go with Original. The very first thing that suit makes me think of, even today, is an ancient ViewMaster reel I had as a small child with an image of Spidey on the side of a building. (I don't remember specifically which reel that was; I think it also had King Kong and Welcome Back, Kotter in it.) I'm very addicted to nostalgia.
Black is sexier. The Blue and Red say little boy PJs to me.
This is definitely a good one, made my palms sweat a bit...
Are you asking if I like the Black suit or the Symbiote suit?
Alright, alright, I won't be a pain.
I really like the black symbiote suit because it brings out this entirely new side of Peter that even he didn't know existed. The portrayal in Spiderman 3 was sort of lame and I wish they would've went darker instead of flashy narcissistic boy with emo hair. Even though the red/blue is classic and you can never go wrong, I do like my Petey dark.
My favorite alternate Spidey suit is red and gold, the Stark Armor, Iron Spider.

JoJo, I know you want to love black Spidey. Face facts, he is an evil alien symbiote. (In most comics.) Peter isn't happy as black Spidey.
If you are talking about Spiderman 3, I have no answer for you. Although I did laugh my ass off in the theatre during the uber emo Tobey Maguire dance scene.
JoJo asked about Black Symbiote, not plain ol' black Spidey. I like Iron Spider as best alternate Spidey. I like the standard the best. I am still allowed to think Iron Spider is the prettiest other than original. It may have something to do with red being my favorite color. vagina is showing, isn't it? I mean that literally and figuratively. Who took my panties?
Ahaha...Mary, your comments about Spiderman 3 made me laugh--that was exactly our reaction to it, too. God, what a bad movie. Not quite as bad as Order of the Phoenix, but it was still awfully shitty.
IRON SPIDEY! You're crazy, lady! Iron is the worst by far. Symbiote is not evil, he's just misunderstood. Black Spidey is the best.
Iron Spider still the prettiest.
Black Spidey non symbiote FTW agreed.
Haha, little boy pjs...that cracks me up!
Man Mary, the Stark version? Really? You're not a nerd, please turn in your nerd card when you leave.
For my money, the stark design is more evil than the symbiote. And I LIKE Tony. I really do. I think he's the most psychologically complex character in the Marvel U. I just wish he was written as well in his own book as he is in Bendis and Brubaker's. (Sorry, Knaupfs!)
Although my favourite of all the Spiderman ANYTHING is the alien symbiote line, from black spiderman, Venom, Carnage and Toxin (i freakin love Cletus Cassady) i have to say i still think that the iron suit rocks my socks off. I mean, finally 8 legs! and they are just beautiful too, with the doc. oc-esk movement and the fact that legendary Tony Stark designed it, its unimaginable that ANYONE would choose original or black suit over the iron suit.
girlie part- gold is tacky but i really thing that it suits spidey ^^
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